Tenant Evictions in Tampa, FL: A Guide for Landlords

Tenant Evictions in Tampa, FL: A Guide for Landlords

Over the past year, there has been a 6% eviction filing rate in Tampa.

Evicting a tenant is the last thing you want to do as a landlord. It's expensive, and it can take months.

Going through with evictions is a last resort, but there are times when it's necessary. As a landlord, you need to know how to go through the process.

This guide is full of landlord advice, so you know what to expect when you're renting out your property.

Grounds For Eviction

Before you take a step toward evicting your tenants, you must have a valid reason.

In Tampa, you can evict your tenants if they don't pay rent or violate the terms of the lease. Evictions are also valid if your renters are conducting illegal activity on your property.

Be sure to read your lease agreement thoroughly before contacting your tenants. Otherwise, you could face legal complications.

Complying With Florida Law

There are specific landlord-tenant laws in Florida that you must follow. You'll need to be aware of your rights and your renter's rights.

If you're unsure of your legal obligations, do some research. There are a lot of resources that will explain the steps.

You'll have to provide your tenants with written notice before starting the eviction process. If you don't, you could jeopardize the entire case.

Working With a Pro

Understanding the law is crucial, but it can be overwhelming as there are a lot of regulations. Hiring a property management company or a lawyer will prove to be beneficial.

They will walk you through the process and ensure you are doing everything correctly. They'll be there if you have questions and ensure everyone is treated fairly.

Serve Proper Notice

The notice period varies depending on the reason for eviction. You'll likely need to provide a three-day notice for non-payment.

Other violations may require a seven-day notice. Take the time to ensure the notice is delivered properly and has all the information included.

File an Eviction Suit

The notice period gives the tenants a chance to fix the error. If they pay the missing rent, then the process stops there. You can continue as normal.

If the tenant's actions don't change or the situation isn't corrected, you'll need to file the evictions with the Florida court. This is where a professional will ensure everything is in order and no documents are missing.

Attending a Hearing

The next step is to schedule a rental eviction hearing. You must attend the hearing and tell the judge about your case.

You'll need to be prepared with all your documents. You don't want to delay the process.

If the judge rules in your favor, you have the right to reclaim the rental property. If needed, law enforcement will remove the tenants.

A Tampa Landlord's Guide to Evictions

Evictions should be avoided at all costs, but there may be times you have to go through the process. While not ideal, it's crucial to property your property and your profits.

We know how exhausting and intimidating the tenant eviction process can be, which is why our team at PMI MetroBay is here.

With over three decades of experience, we know how to support you. Send us a message today for more information on evictions and tenant management.
