Maintaining Tenant Relations: How to Easily Keep Tenants Happy

Maintaining Tenant Relations: How to Easily Keep Tenants Happy

Imagine happy tenants who pay rent on time, never cause problems and communicate. What if they all up and left, leaving you with problematic tenants instead? If you're not maintaining healthy tenant relations, you could lose your best renters.

Instead, use these strategies to improve relationships with your current renters. These tips can boost your tenant retention rate and help you avoid conflicts. Read on to learn more!

Ensure Clear Communication

Don't make assumptions about what your tenants want or need. Instead, talk to them. Clear communication can help you avoid potential conflicts and misunderstandings.

Make sure it's easy for tenants to reach you from the moment they move in. Nearly 80% of renters think they should be able to get everything they need through direct message, text, or chat. Consider using a tenant portal to streamline communications.

Ask your tenants how they want to communicate and how often they prefer updates. If you message them too often, they could get frustrated.

When communicating with tenants, try to be clear to avoid confusion. Avoid jargon and try to simplify our messages.

For clarity, consider using bullet points or numbered steps. End each communication with a clear call to action. Make sure your tenants understand the next step you want them to take.

Discuss Lease Renewals

Don't wait until the last minute to discuss important matters. Instead, give your tenants ample time to make important decisions.

For example, if a tenant's lease is almost over, give them a 90-day notice. An extended notice will allow them to consider staying or negotiating the lease. It will also give you time to market the property to avoid a long vacancy.

Prioritize Property Maintenance

Make sure your renters have everything they need for a happy living experience. If they send a maintenance request, don't delay responding. If you wait too long to fulfill the request, your renters could take legal action.

Completing property maintenance quickly will show renters you care about their needs. It also allows you to better maintain the unit to avoid more expensive replacement costs.

Remain Calm

Don't let communication break between you and your tenants. Tenant satisfaction drops from +51 to +24 after six months due to poor communication.

When speaking with tenants, try to remain calm and patient. Speaking out of frustration could lead to conflicts. If you upset tenants, they may decide not to stay for another year.

Try to avoid being:

  • Dishonest, vague, or misleading
  • Brisk
  • Inconsistent
  • Unavailable

Don't make tenants wait to hear back from you. If you're struggling to respond to messages quickly, hire a property manager. An experienced property management company can help you improve tenant relations.

They can act as a go-between while remaining professional and empathetic. Their services can help you improve tenant experiences, boosting tenant retention rates! They'll also help you attract future tenants, even in a tough market.

Improve Tenant Relations With Help

Using these tips alone may not be enough to improve your tenant relations. Consider hiring an experienced property management company this year. Their quality services can help you offer tenants the best possible experiences.

Not sure which property management company to hire? Look no further than PMI Metrobay; a full-service management company with nearly 20 years of industry experience. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!
